The Department of Energy (DOE or Department) is issuing this record of its decision to dispose of transuranic (TRU) waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), a mined repository located 2,100 feet below the surface in an ancient salt deposit near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Under this decision, DOE will dispose of up to 175,600 cubic meters (6.2 million cubic feet) of TRU waste generated by defense activities at WIPP after preparation (i.e., treatment, as necessary, including packaging) to meet WIPP's waste acceptance criteria. This waste includes TRU waste accumulated in aboveground storage since 1970 and TRU waste to be generated over approximately the next 35 years. This waste does not include TRU waste commingled with polychlorinated biphenyls in concentrations greater than or equal to 50 parts per million. Transportation of waste to WIPP will initially be by truck, although the Department reserves the option to use commercial rail transportation in the future. DOE will comply with the requirements and waste limits in the WIPP Land Withdrawal Act, as amended, and the Consultation and Cooperation Agreement between New Mexico and the Department of Energy. DOE has applied for a permit from the New Mexico Environment Department under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act concerning mixed TRU waste (TRU waste containing radioactive and hazardous constituents); such a permit is not needed for disposal of other TRU waste at WIPP.